By pokeloser - 24/06/2019 07:04

Today, my high point was still being able to recite all 151 generation one Pokémon in order, from memory. I need a life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 370
You deserved it 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least those Pokemon will be included in Sword and Shield!

With such a phenomenal memory you should be able to find a fulfilling job! Friends too if you dumb it down a little


With such a phenomenal memory you should be able to find a fulfilling job! Friends too if you dumb it down a little

At least those Pokemon will be included in Sword and Shield!

Well, you can always get crackin’ to memorize the next generation. And after that, Pokémon Deep Space Nine.

Don't forget Pokémon: Voyager, Enterprise, and Discovery. Oh, and Pokémon: Picard.

That can happen when you peek in Middle school & it just goes down hill from there :)

seriously tho, round of applause for honoring gen 1

lkb307 21

Seriously, Turn off all of your electronic devices. Take a shower, get dressed, go outside. Talk to people. Call people. If you want a life, you have to go and get it. It will not come to you.