Toxic parents

By Anonymous - 30/07/2020 20:01

Today, my mom caught me vaping weed oil and tried to ground me. I’m 33 years old, with my own wife and kids, weed is legal in this state with a medical card, and I use it to treat the seizures I’ve had since mom belted me around the head as a kid, giving me brain damage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 102
You deserved it 251

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

If your mom literally beat you to the point of giving you brain damage WHY IS SHE STILL IN YOUR LIFE????

this is more of a tell her to **** off type of situation


That's outrageous!!! Your mom ought to snitch on you to your wife and she will ground you! What is society without norms?!?!

YoshiSqu4d 17

I think this was meant to be sarcasm...

tounces7 27

If your mom literally beat you to the point of giving you brain damage WHY IS SHE STILL IN YOUR LIFE????

Boyufd 24

this is more of a tell her to **** off type of situation

That's one of the most ****** up stories I've read around here.

genuinegoodguy 9

Why do you still see your mother?

Marcella1016 31

HOLY ****!!!! I’m sorry your mom is a monster, OP. Like others said, it’s shocking that she is still in your life, but good on you for being the bigger person I guess and forgiving her. But again, HOLY SHIT, she may be someone you need to love from afar. Jesus. I’m so sorry.

Cut her out of your life. She isn't worth the title mother.

bloopaloop 27

Are y’all living at your moms house?

malicemassacre 18

That’s what I was thinking!

I'm curious as to how she caught you in your own house. And since you're 33 she can't do anything so not sure why you're so upset.