By Anonymous - 12/11/2011 23:04 - United States

Today, the handle in the port-a-potty broke off, with me inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 097
You deserved it 2 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments


every1luvsboners 11

This actually happened to me back in 82. I was stuck in there until I shit enough times to fill up the toilet. Then I was able to stand on the mountain of excrement and push the top off of the damn thing. Don't give up hope, just keep ********.

Torva_fml 16

That was you? Yea, I think I read that in the news paper... "shit mountain saves life!"

huppypuppy 3

Is that where you wrote this fml?

ceb1710 0

Haha..I'm sorry but that's funny. Did you like knock on it and scream for help..?

It can't be that hard to kick that door down.

Just tip it over. Sure you'll be covered in shit but at least you'll be free.

roydawgg 3

Just kick it open, it's a plastic door

andrew87804 4

Look at the bright side! At least if you are stuck in there long enough and have to go to the bathroom again, you won't have to hold it!