By notenoughunderwearintheworld - 21/07/2013 20:54 - South Africa - Durban

Today, the great deal on my new apartment has turned into a nightmare. I keep hearing extremely weird sounds almost every night, and when I tried taking pics of the place today, my camera's face recognition feature kept activating, but only in my bedroom. I'm scared shitless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 617
You deserved it 4 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can make a fortune with Paranormal Activity number...wait, what number is that crappy franchise up to?

TylerAnderson98 10

"Yes hello, toilet? I won't be needing you anymore because I just shit myself a month's worth."


I'm loving OP's user name. Good luck keeping up with the washing!

juarezj96 12

I say just pray! Asking God to watch over you and your home will bring peace to your life :)

Just try and remember that not all ghosts are evil. I grew up in an old house next to an area where many people died, and sensitive to any type of presences. I've stayed in houses that were absolutely terrifying- As in, having water splashed at you from still water while doing dishes, or things being thrown at walls and broken in the hallways. My brothers think I'm crazy for believing in ghosts, but I feel them all the time. Unless you're absolutely sure it's out to kill you....just ignore it, or accept it. Even right now I can feel as if there is something reading over my shoulder, but to be honest, I wouldn't feel comfortable without it anymore. Just remember that you're never alone.. After all, I'd rather feel that a ghost is watching me than another human.

Just saw The Conjuring. This ain't helping

This is supposed to be a happy place! D;

My house has a ghost. We have random footsteps, lights flickering, shit falling off of shelves or just disappearing entirely, etc. It's been here at least as long as I have, and all it does is play tricks. Hopefully that's what you've got going on. It's pretty fun when guests sleep over, too. They always say something touches their arm or some such.

Well I am much more scared of the living than the dead. Think about it what can a dead person do to you. Where as the living can be just plain psychotic.

there are 3 types of hauntings; poltergeists, ghosts & spirits

Every place has its cracks and creaks, but by the sound of it your in a spot of trouble. Take alot of pics and post it somewhere.

What you can do is open your window and say that you don't mind them there if they are nice and quite at night, but if they are going to make noise then they can leave and find a new place to go. It works

llyrgod 6

Might I recommend burning some sage? Get the smoke into all of the corners. That should get rid of any negative ghosts.