By notenoughunderwearintheworld - 21/07/2013 20:54 - South Africa - Durban

Today, the great deal on my new apartment has turned into a nightmare. I keep hearing extremely weird sounds almost every night, and when I tried taking pics of the place today, my camera's face recognition feature kept activating, but only in my bedroom. I'm scared shitless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 617
You deserved it 4 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can make a fortune with Paranormal Activity number...wait, what number is that crappy franchise up to?

TylerAnderson98 10

"Yes hello, toilet? I won't be needing you anymore because I just shit myself a month's worth."


Get some sage and smudge the place. And some holy water to sprinkle around the doorways and walls and stuff. If anything it will help put your mind at ease.

Move out now, ask questions later!!

reveal 10

instructions not clear set house on fire

Thats so creepy..I would go live somewhere else

I had an apartment at one point where some weird shit would go down. I'd hear The Grudge noises in the middle of the night, shadows passing my my bedroom door, pots and pans that were NOWHERE NEAR the edge of the counter getting knocked off, I physically saw cups moving on my kitchen table, and getting a fleeting glimpse of a figure in the bathroom. I experienced all that for my entire one year lease. It scared me at first but I got used to it. It never harmed me so I just stopped caring.

Step 1: calm down Step 2: burn the house Step 3: you won't be able to complete step 1 or 2 because the devil will get you before your done. Good luck

Douce the place with holy water then leave.

chill out...ghosts aren't real...there's a rational explanation for all of it...don't buy into the ignorant ghost hype.

nattlecakes 19

Don't be scared, OP. they are probably not aggressive. Most sprits are pretty friendly. :)

YouputwhatWHERE 6

@Melix Best. Comment. Ever.