By Anonymous - 29/08/2014 15:38 - United States - Hightstown

Today, after moving into my new house, I woke up to strange sounds coming from the kitchen. I panicked and started sobbing, convinced it was either a robbery or a home invasion. Turned out it was just my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 901
You deserved it 12 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was really trying out his dream job of becoming a cat burglar. It's all part of the master plan.

Don't feel bad OP! I'm convinced my cat is a robber or ghost sometimes!


Don't feel bad OP! I'm convinced my cat is a robber or ghost sometimes!

He was really trying out his dream job of becoming a cat burglar. It's all part of the master plan.

chocolatefrog28 29

If you're that nervous, invest in an alarm system for the house and sleep with a loaded baseball bat by your bed. You'll get used to the new environment (and your cat will stop being a troll?) eventually and being extra careful isn't a bad thing. Congrats on the new place!

I load my baseball bat with bullets. ...Isn't that how it works? :

Rayth 19

If the OP gets an alarm system don't they run the risk of the cat accidently setting off the alarm?

ilikepie612 3

wouldn't consider it an fml! more like you're lucky! it could of actually been a robber but I'm glad you're safe OP :)

Shouldn't you be used to that...? :/ Well, I guess it was a new house so that would be a bit scary. At least now you know for next time that it could just be your cat. :)

Or it could also be an actual burglar! Either way next time OP probably wont sob or freak out :) well, hopefully. :)

triplebeerox 27

Well, at least you didn't call 911 to report a robbery. It would've been embarrassing to try to explain to the officers that the noise you were reporting was actually your cat.

drunkmunkey 24

can't forget kitty... seriously though, if you are afraid of that happening you might want to sleep with a bat or pistol near your bed

juturnaamo 29

OP has some serious anxiety issues. A pistol seems like a bad idea.

DogeMan 14

My cat sometimes makes things fall and it wakes me up