By Anonymous - 10/09/2011 20:21 - United States

Today, the creepy girl in my history class told me that she once spent a whole period doing nothing but counting the freckles on the right side of my face, and that I have more than she's ever seen before on anyone else combined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 971
You deserved it 3 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Wow and that's only on the right side!!!! ;)

timeoffire45 8

Lots of freckles... Don't notice when a girl is interested in you... You must be a Weasley...

JokeMeister 0

sometimes,when someone look at you,it does not means she is interested in you

linnie_wesker 20

Reminds me of a girl I went to high school with.. people like that will straight up tell you they think they're in love with you. Unless she starts saying that and poses an actual threat, your life is not ******. Tell your teacher AND counselor what's going on and ask for either a different class or to be moved to the other side of the room. She'll find a new target soon. They always do.

That's like something I would do :P so I don't find that creepy xD

auddylynne 0

I picture the chick named Eunice from the movie called she'sthe man. haha that's hilarious

OP do you happen to be a brony by any chance?