By AmberKCole - 08/07/2009 18:45 - United States

Today, the car in front of me was going slow and I flashed my lights and honked. I floored it and passed the car, flipping off the driver. Just as I went around the next corner I got pulled over by a motorcycle cop. A few seconds later, the guy I flipped off drove by honked and waved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 545
You deserved it 100 518

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone_somewere 7

hahahahahahaha that's what you get YDI

Eternity_fml 0


BigSky 5

You could get shot for that in Texas. I did the same thing one time. When I passed the guy, he cocked his fingers like he had a gun and would have killed me if he really had a gun. Grow up and don't let others bother you. It could have been a little old lady or little old man and they need all the help they can get.

you deserved it. i hate it when people tailgate me and then go into the opposite lane to pass me. if one of those people then got pulled over, i would stop and laugh in their face.

Raped by the long hard ironic dick of the law.. YDI lol

YDI for tailgating and being wreckless, but FYL cause you're a woman driver. You can't help but suck at driving.

haha first of all, this is ******* hilarious!! i love it when shit like this happens because i hate tailgaters with a passion! i go the speed limit, usually five above which is normal, but like everyone else on here has already said, its soo ******* annoying when people feel as though they have to push you out of the way to get where they are going when in reality, they are only going to get there maybe a minute later. the time difference is not enough to make it worth it. now you wasted at least half an hour from the cop, and have to go to court to pay fines. YDI for being immature and who knows? the next time you do something stupid like that, you may cause an accident, and where is that going to put you? well ill tell you this much: you will waste more time, money, and energy by not controlling your temper, and you need to get the **** down off your high horse! you are not the only person in this world so stop acting like you are the only one that matters!

touchmeteaseme 0

no, **** that. people who flash their lights and honk at people deserve to be ignored, not catered to.

scorpioserpent 1

I' ve never had someone honk and flash lights at me....That seems so rude and would piss people off. I think I'd drive slower if someone did that to me.

#86 - Wait, you can cut a 45 minute drive down to 25 minutes, am I understanding that right?? So you manage about a 50% speed increase? If you live 45 minutes from the university, I'm going to guess plenty of that is highway miles, which will be at least 55 mph. How fast do you drive??


lastminuteperm 0

Just because he was driving slow, doesn't mean you get all angry and flip him off. You honk your horn and get his attention and if you don't then pass him. You don't have to piss him off. Read a book.

Jerk, it was probably me in that car. ;D seriously though, i drove a car for the first time today (with a driving instructor) and i was going really slowly. And i got honked at several times..