By Someone - 22/02/2011 18:30 - United States

Today, someone started an event on Facebook for tomorrow called Kick A Ginger Day. Over 300 people are attending. There are only two redheads in my school, and I'm one of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 299
You deserved it 9 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The way I see it, you have three choices: A) Dye your hair B) Play sick and stay home C) Get kicked


you really think people are that easily influenced by an obvious joke of a facebook event?

KVKdragon 26

Ideas: 1. wear a hat all day 2. wear a jacket with the hood up all day 3. be antisocial that one day to avoid people 4. kick back at anyone who kicks you on purpose (hard if it's people you don't know or hate, less hard if it's friends) 5. bring a deodorant or perfume spray to spray people if they try to kick you 6. use special sunglasses that allow you to see behind you (there's reflective paint on the back part of the lenses that people can't see when facing you unless they're behind you; yes, they do exist for I have a pair myself) 7. bring a really bright but pocket-sized flashlight so you can surprise anyone about to kick you (by blinking the light) so you can get away 8. rub a big smear of greasy lotion on your hand (when the time is right) to smack people who kick you 9. bring a small can of spray hair dye and threaten anyone trying to kick you with the spray since it can seriously stain clothes and skin (if they don't take your word for it, spray near their general area) 10. pretend to be infectiously sick and threaten to infect anyone trying to kick you that's all I can think of for now, good luck OP

wiggs5 0

wear padding under your pants :)

tans_fml 0

if it bothers you so much, dye your ******* hair.

I think they're more concerned about their safety rather than their hair colour... They don't need to change what they ******* look like. There's nothing wrong with red hair.

So carry a taser tomorrow and see how many people you have to leave twitching on the ground before they stop trying to kick you

simple solution: don't go to school tomorrow

xoxchelaxox08 17