By shittyhall - 26/06/2017 04:00

Today, someone shat liquid poo in the hallway at work. Right. Outside. The bathroom. Another foot and they could have used a toilet instead of the carpeted floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 279
You deserved it 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like they did their best to try and get there. I'd say they had the shittier day.

Gwengreen 6

Sounds more like an F their Life than intentional. j Today I had extreme buttretch at work, I tried to make to to the toilet but was 1 foot shy of the door. FML


But then they wouldn't have been able to make such a pungent political statement. What stinks at your work? The wages? The working conditions? The ol boy network?

AnthonyCS5 19

When you gotta go, you gotta go!

Sounds like they did their best to try and get there. I'd say they had the shittier day.

Gwengreen 6

Sounds more like an F their Life than intentional. j Today I had extreme buttretch at work, I tried to make to to the toilet but was 1 foot shy of the door. FML

kujiens101 24

The most concerning part of this is the fact that you don't seem to know what diarrhea is...

Or, that's not what it was. Certain things can cause your poop to not solidify.

melana09 19

Sounds like the tried to make it but couldn't hold it. I feel more sorry for the person who did it. That's really Embarrassing and if it's at school who knows who saw it.

At least it was only liquid poo and not explosive diarrhea. Otherwise it'd be one hell of a mess.

If it was liquid poo, they probably couldn't make it that extra foot. It's hard to control your bowels when they are that upset. Can you imagine how embarrassed that person probably is? This isn't your FML.

Any asshole can shit on a floor. It takes a diabolical genius and careful planning to hit the ceiling though.

Carpet? Shit... I do not envy the employee tasked with cleaning up that mess!