By jsyn - 09/11/2013 23:27 - United States - East Hampton

Today, somebody broke into my car, just to steal the obviously fake $1,000,000 bill hanging from my rear-view mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 089
You deserved it 11 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would love to be the bank teller taking the bill when he tries to cash it. "No, sir, we don't cash Monopoly money either."

Too bad that money wasn't real. The idiot could have used it to by some brains.


I would love to be the bank teller taking the bill when he tries to cash it. "No, sir, we don't cash Monopoly money either."

I'd love to be the teller just so I could tell him it's fake.

If he gets caught, he might as well grab a Get Out of Jail Free Card along with it, I suppose.

I would love to see the look on the guys face when he can't cash it..

He can collect 200 and get some common sense.

hey, maybe he's the guy who tried to use it at a Walmart a while back.

jonahwalzer 12

Fake or not, thats pretty cool!!

JMichael 25

Ok, I'll come steal all of your money cuz it's pretty cool :)

Umm... its obvious from the fact he said "fake or not" that he was saying the 1,000,000 million dollar bill was cool if it was fake or not!

That's so stupid! Sorry, people these days can be real idiots!

Zimmington 21

People have always been idiots the internet just publishes it more now.

Yeah!! I mean seriously, who leaves $1,000,000 hanging from their mirror?! Come on!!

Well, real money wasn't stolen. Real money you'll need to fix your car.

Just hope the bill for repair isn't as much as the 1000000 bill is worth in Monopoly

Too bad that money wasn't real. The idiot could have used it to by some brains.

HeadlessSparrow 20

It's a good thing that money was fake. If that money was real, the OP would be an idiot for hanging it in the car!

luckyone365 7

It's funny that you call him an idiot when you can't even spell buy correctly.

MrBoredomioo 18
olpally 32

What a ******* idiot. Consider yourself lucky.

How are they lucky to have had their car broken into?

olpally 32

Their car wasn't stolen or anything else of real value it seems like. Duh.

I'm sure the thief knew it wasn't a real bill. He just wanted it-- Fake or not. "And we did it-- just like that. When we want something, We don't want to pay for it." Hope that person gets Caught Stealing.

Do you have any idea how much a new car window costs olpally? They aren't cheap. Something expensive was broken in the process. Nothing of value was stolen, but it was broken and OP still has to pay to fix it. So no, they weren't lucky.

Lucky nothing else was stolen, unlucky he has to pay for damages

Sorry for others stupidity OP. Hope you can fix your car.

So a broken window is not a loss, in comparison to losing nothing, which is? Makes perfect sense.

The thief gained a fake million dollars and he has to pay to repair his car. Remind me again how it's the thief's loss?

Is it just me or are crooks getting stupider everyday? That, or the thief decided to be a real fuckface and just break in for the fun of it because they think they're funny by committing vandalism.

Zimmington 21

Did my 3rd grade teacher lie to me? since when has stupider been a word?

#38 ive been yelled at in school for using stupider, i was told to put "more stupid"

They've been teaching you LIES, 52. LIES.

CrazyGirlfriend 21

stupider could be a word but you wouldnt put it with the word more in front of it. If the word more is there than just stupid is needed, but if they didnt put the word more than they could put stupider.

i always got confused with this, so i just always said dumber to take place for stupider.