By sam.exe - 29/04/2016 19:26 - United States - New York

Today, I was declined a sales position at a local store. As I headed out, I heard the interviewer telling a colleague, "Christ. That kid had less charisma than Microsoft Sam." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 135
You deserved it 1 768

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you know for next time: Most sales people have a combination of 5% knowledge and 95% bullshit, and a big smile while doing their pitch.

Mathalamus 24

Sounds about right. You need a lot of diplomatic skills to bullshit your way through. And the ability to smile. And take a lot of abuse without exploding.


So you know for next time: Most sales people have a combination of 5% knowledge and 95% bullshit, and a big smile while doing their pitch.

So true and the always try to sell you things you don't need. The last time I went to the store of my mobile provider cause I had a question about my contract the tried to sell me a tablet

Reminds me of my old job working in a movie/music store and how I managed to upsell/convince people to buy a movie I absolutely hated in addition to their purchase

Mathalamus 24

Sounds about right. You need a lot of diplomatic skills to bullshit your way through. And the ability to smile. And take a lot of abuse without exploding.

Couldn't fake your way through being fake tsk tsk

At least everyone likes to play with Microsoft Sam

If you take it as constructive feedback it can probably help you in your next interview!

You were possibly just nervous - interviews are not the place for real personality to shine through. But who is Microsoft Sam?

Is it just me that noticed OP's name is Sam?

Sam.exe. the program for Microsoft Sam I think.

Sorry OP, but it is your fault and you definitely deserve it. You need charisma and amazing bullshitting skills to be a salesman. (source: I'm a former salesman)

"Fake it till ya make it" -Abraham Lincoln