Let it all out

By HateCelebz - 26/08/2023 00:02

Today, I went for a swim in the sea. It was early and I was the only one in the water. i swam out far, then my tummy rumbled big time. Next thing I knew, I'd shat my shorts. It went everywhere. I had to scoop the poop out with my hand and wash it off whilst swimming back to shore. I had to shower afterwards. FML
I agree, your life sucks 553
You deserved it 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this is honestly the best case scenario for ******** yourself

LOL. It have to be said: This is hilarious! That said, FYL. Shit happens. At least it was in the sea.


LOL. It have to be said: This is hilarious! That said, FYL. Shit happens. At least it was in the sea.

I laugh at it now, I told my work colleagues and they found it hilarious too. it also felt liberating at the time lol

ibjho 2

you were swimming in a sea of shit

this is honestly the best case scenario for ******** yourself

Tisinlovewithme 2

Whether you shat yourself or not, you were swimming in the shit of every fish, dolphin and whale in the sea. It's a good idea to shower even if you do have control of your bowels.