By save the koalas? uhh - 08/04/2013 14:08 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, our guest lecturer told us to imagine 25,000 dead koalas in our lecture theatre, and if that didn't make us emotional then we didn't care about them. She then went on a rant, during which she encouraged us to join the "koala army". FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 631
You deserved it 3 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HowAreYouToday 34

She's clearly a very balanced individual, perfectly suited for motivational speaking..


Okay, I love animals but, this lady's crazy!! You should've called the men in white coats with nets! Lol! Hope you youngsters get that one!

osm1989_fml 6

Apparently she did not possess the proper koalifications to be a guest lecturer, unless of course your university was looking for a nutjob.

\ 28

He should start drafting for the sanity army.

"The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic" .. so I suspect that picturing ONE dead koala would leave larger impact.

surely having an Koala army is technically animal abuse?

Jacksparrow72 21

Well, I guess she thought you had all the koalifications.