By Anonymous - 22/02/2017 20:00 - Canada - Westerose

Today, our family cat died. I had to explain this to my 2 small children, who had no experience with death. I ended up bawling like a baby while they consoled me, telling me she had, "gone to a better place". FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 077
You deserved it 1 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope they realized you were having a rough time and decided to unground you—after you finished your vegetables.

awildwhisper 30

Those are really smart and empathetic kids for being so young! They seem to be ahead of Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development in relation to egocentrism.


I hope they realized you were having a rough time and decided to unground you—after you finished your vegetables.

awildwhisper 30

Those are really smart and empathetic kids for being so young! They seem to be ahead of Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development in relation to egocentrism.

I feel the need to point out she said small, not young. We don't necessarily know if they are advanced according to this scale (idk anything about it though, so i can't be specific). Just trying to keep you all honest!

Ambrily 27

Gotta admit, they caught onto the concept fast. I was around six or seven when I finally got what death was. Started bawling - coincidentally it was in the middle of my maternal grandmother's funeral service. Halfway through the memorial I figured out why we were there and just lost it.

my2centsworth 15

I'm sorry that you lost a member of your family but you have done well raising your children to be compassionate.

MiraRose 19

It's not necessarily a bad thing, at least you know your children are empathetic.

jcash52426 5

Sound like you are raising 2 smart amazing kids.

As cute as the kids might seem, in most situations telling someone that their love ones "has gone to a better place" is not necessarily the correct thing to tell somebody grieving. When I experienced the lost of a few of my love ones, nothing pissed me off more than someone telling me those exact words.

I'm also wondering how they even knew the expression "gone to a better place" if they have no experience with death.