By Anonymous - 26/06/2011 06:12 - United States

Today, on the bus, a delusional old man had an extremely long conversation with me, referring to me as "Leslie" and talking about "our childhood together". Not wanting to hurt his feelings I played along. At his stop he got up and grinned at me, saying "I'm kidding. I never knew a Leslie in my life. Nice rack." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 593
You deserved it 17 086

Same thing different taste

Top comments


rawrr61 4

hey is that u in the pic if ya awesome beside this one girl ive seen ur a skater wat can u do

CateXOX 0

Because that joke's not old.

Charlie Sheen jokes were old, before Osama Bin Laden jokes got old.

baseballlegitly0 2
kardashik00 0

Win for the old man! And you got a compliment

To properly judge this post, I think we need to see the rack.

Agreed ^.^.... But that old man is ftw.

Atleast now u know that u have nice boobs.

Sweet! No one got hurt, everyone had fun. Perfect party.

This old man, he played three. He wants OP to tousle his "Tree"...

sky22_fml 7