By explosivepeach - 30/05/2015 01:34 - United States - Silver Spring

Today, on my second day as a lifeguard, I locked myself out of the pool. My angry guests and I had to wait for 45 minutes for my manager to arrive and unlock the gate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 615
You deserved it 5 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steve95401 49

Did you get to have a third day on the job?

The key to these things is to stay optimistic... And maybe attach the key to your person from now on.


Why exactly do you need a lifeguard at a pool ?

Are you joking or really that stupid? Can no one get some form of trouble and drown in pools?

Hopefully things went okay afterwards. Don't feel too bad, everyone makes mistakes.

The person clearly stated he/she locked his/herself out of the pool. So why do ppl think that the person life sucks? Not being rude or anything

ajs1987 15

Don't worry, you're new. I learned so much during my time as a lifeguard. Talk to your manager, you'll learn how to pick locks and make fake turds out of tootsie rolls in no time.

U made sure there was no accident for the first 45 mins

snickss 2

Honestly they should give all lifeguards keys so stuff like that doesn't happen. Well I mean.. You shouldn't lock yourself out in the first place though.