By UnicornWaffles - 24/10/2016 01:38 - United States - Wooster

Today, I saw the guy I've been seeing passing by my dorm. I called out to him, but he covered his ears and crossed the street. Well, at least I have ice cream in my fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 532
You deserved it 1 045

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like that relationship is going to be a Rocky Road.

dietcoke09 25

I felt like an idiot for not understanding this at first. "Why would she yell at some guy passing by her dorm? Why does she feel the need to share that she has ice cream??"


Sounds like that relationship is going to be a Rocky Road.

close the comments. this one wins, hands down

RpiesSPIES 27

#2 Sorry, Tumblr is 3 url's past here.

Hey everyone, it's the OP, I didn't log into my account when I posted it so I guess this comment isn't going to be blue and fancy. Clarifications: by seeing I do mean meeting him in a more-than-friends manner. And to the fridge/ freezer people, English is my second language so do tolerate that mistake. Although, I'm really not sorry for that mistake because the tiny freezer in the mini fridge from Walmart in my dorm works like a fridge anyways. Plot twist: I posted this fml right after the event happened. I confronted him about it by texting him and giving him the benefit of doubt. Turns out he was just pushing his earphones in and seeing him from the back makes it look like he was covering his ears, the hoodie didn't help the case. So we're all good now.

dietcoke09 25

I felt like an idiot for not understanding this at first. "Why would she yell at some guy passing by her dorm? Why does she feel the need to share that she has ice cream??"

nicole1765 14

I think by "seeing" she meant in a relationship type sense. she saw him passing her dorm and when he kept walking, she was saying she is hurt by that and will eat ice cream (what people generally do when broken up with)

#3, me too! I only get it after my third time reading it. lol.

I think you read a tad bit too much into that one :P I think what she meant by "been seeing" was that she saw him while he walked by her dorm more than once.

My message was directed to 7, not 12. Just to be clear

See comment #29 or #30 by UnicornWaffles. She's the OP. Apparently the guy was wearing a hoodie and was simply pushing his earphones in more, not blocking his ears.

He sounds like a dickbag and an immature one. You're better off with the ice cream.

You should have called out, "I have ice cream in my fridge." If he didn't come running, I'm sure other guys would have.

leah_kascar 8

The ice cream will treat you better

He's a jerk and you deserve better than a guy openly ignoring you! He can go to hell. Ben & Jerry's always helps :) hope you feel better

Well shit, the ice cream's gonna melt if it's in the fridge and not the freezer.

Shoulda put it in the freezer that ***** gonna be melted by time you get home...

Donut_Wizard 23

Ice cream listens, ice cream understands.

Hey, if you can't have him, at least you still have Ben and Jerry?