By Anonymous - 04/07/2014 19:04 - Netherlands

Today, on my first day as a lifeguard, a man had a heart attack in the pool. I jumped in, pulled him out, and even went to the hospital with him. He seemed genuinely offended, saying "You should've let me die." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 938
You deserved it 3 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You possibly saved a life. That's pretty awesome, even if he didn't throw you a parade after...

Don't take it to heart. You did good OP.


If he didn't have a DNR, you had the duty to save him. If he doesn't what people helping him, he can sign a DNR and get the appropriate jewelry

Congrats on saving his life OP to bad he wasn't a little happier about it

You did your job, you should be proud.

You should be very proud of yourself. Saving that mans life on your first day of of your new job!!!

Spouse had a heart attack earlier this year - just before his health insurance went into effect. Total bill, including courtesy discounts but not including multiple follow ups with his PCP and cardiologists was over $20,000. You did good, but I really don't blame the guy for being unappreciative. Cremation is a great deal cheaper than the medical bills for surviving.

Congratulations for saving a life, no matter what he said.

Well good job saving a man's life on your first day! Congratulations!

Now he has to life, even if he doesn't want to...... fhl. Death isn't scary. You are returning to the very soil that once kept you alive- you are completing a valuable circle of life. I feel sad for society- death isn't bad. Death is a wonderful thing that keeps others alive.

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