By Anonymous - 04/07/2014 19:04 - Netherlands

Today, on my first day as a lifeguard, a man had a heart attack in the pool. I jumped in, pulled him out, and even went to the hospital with him. He seemed genuinely offended, saying "You should've let me die." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 938
You deserved it 3 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You possibly saved a life. That's pretty awesome, even if he didn't throw you a parade after...

Don't take it to heart. You did good OP.


VanessaNal 13

How can someone say that?! Dear god! The indecency that people have! So unappreciative. He could've simply let you die.

Sometimes no matter how good of a deed you do, people will still be upset. Don't worry though, you did a great thing!

Unless the person has a status of "DNR" (Do not Revive), it was your job, as well as the paramedics, to do everything possible to save him. Good job OP, don't let his bad attitude distract you from the fact that you did the right thing.

You reacted in the best way possible for someone in your profession, for that I commend you:) I've personally seen people trained in first aid and CPR completely freeze when an incident occurs and the training is actually needed. We need more people like you in the world. Because the man you saved didn't say it, I will: thank you.

Is it just me, or does this sound a bit like the beginning of The Incredibles lol! Seriously, though, he shouldn't have said that to you you did a good deed as the right thing, OP! Most people would have panicked if that happened on their first day but it sounds like you kept calm and handled it like a champ, be proud of that. I hope your boss gives you a raise or something!

Reminds me of that episode of South Park where Cartman gets mad at his mom for not letting him freeze itself. Go God Go!!

So this is basically the same idea as the first scene of The Incredibles…

Sorry, but unless he had on his DNR bracelet you did the right thing. First responders etc. are often on the receiving end of a lot of misplaced anger. Just know your Good Samaritan Laws and keep up the good work.