By shit's weak - 13/02/2009 21:51 - United States

Today, on campus, these really overly-happy people walking around with big signs saying "free hugs". When I walked towards them, their smiles faded, and they put their signs down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 720
You deserved it 4 686

Same thing different taste

Top comments

katzekitty 0

haha today was free hug day :D they F***ed up the rules. your sappose to hug EVERYBODY!


#15 can I have a hug? ;) better yet wanna watch a movie I love cuddling with a girl and napping on her boobs lol fun bags are the best pillows ever ;)

Goddamn hippies, their even more faggotry successors hipster even stick ******* chicken in vaginas and pass it of as art.

smiley12321 0

you totally deserved it, that's what you get for smoking in the first place!!!

One can keep themselves from looking scary quite easily...

iluvevil01 11

lol a bunch of people did that at band camp. except they all tried to hug me. to bad I hate hugs