By Anonymous - 19/12/2011 20:08 - United States

Today, my wife threatened to end our relationship if I didn't skip work and stay at home. She's into astrology, and apparently when one of those money-grubbing frauds writes, "Betrayal will come from someone close to you", it's reason enough to suspect that I'll cheat on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 317
You deserved it 3 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Torva_fml 16

You told her that she needs a new hobby, right?

The_Troller 14


You told her she's a ******* idiot for believing that horseshit, right?

theonlysweetpea 10

You need to leave her. "For better or worse" does not mean living with a benign Joker/Riddler.

He needs to leave his wife because of something like this? People like you are why divorce rates are only going up. -_-

perdix 29

Phone in sick and **** her brains out. You'll soon be in league with the "money-grubbing frauds" whenever you get horny and have a sick day to burn.

One word comes to mind " insecurity". Leave her and find someone who's trusting of you

Don't skip work. Astrology is retarded. If you do it then you are her bitch. The bitch of someone unreasonable and insecure. If she wants to dump you over it then let her.

It's called pseudo psychology for a reason. It's a lie and your wife I'm sorry to say is an imbecile for reading into it... Get a divorce.

To everyone saying "get a divorce", I do not think that this a divorce-able offense. She's just gullible, that's all. Horoscopes are meant to be vague so that people like OP's wife will interpret them in a way that makes them self-fulfilling prophesies. In other words, people who believe in astrology think it works because they make their horoscopes come true in their minds.

They aren't saying get a divorce because she believes in astrology. They're saying it because she's insane enough to put more faith in astrology than the man she loved enough to marry. It's the ultimatum that's a deal-breaker to me. Psycho lady needs to get her priorities straightened out.

evilplatypus- I understand that people are saying they should divorce because of the ultimatum. What I meant was that unless she has done this multiple times, which we do not know, I do not think that this is something to get a divorce over.

Trust is the basis of any and all stable and worthwhile relationships. If she trusts astrology more than her husband then their relationship has no solid base. Anything build on a weak or fractured base is doomed to collapse (usually catastrophically). Divorce that b*tch.

jsfromga- I only really think this couple should divorce if this is a major and continuing problem. We do not have the advantage of knowing the full story. For all we know, this could have been the first time OP's wife has done anything like this and all they need to do is work things out. If she has had trust issues in this marriage before, then by all means they should divorce.

Well if he decides to get a divorce for whatever reasons there may be, we are all here to support his decision.

Maybe she was desperate to spend time with him. Or maybe he has controlling traits too.. Who knows, we got a one-sided, partial recap of the real story.

What it comes down to is this guy knew she was an idiot before they married, so if hes happy to marry an idiot he can continue to be happy in his idiot relationship. Divorcing over something so stupid is pointless on both sides. I doubt he could do any better anyway, nobody marries a moron if they don't have to.