By Anonymous - 07/04/2012 19:40 - United States

Today, my wife sent me to the store to pick stuff up so we could make BLTs. I got the bacon, but couldn't remember what else went into them, so I bought an avocado and napkins. When I got back home, my wife very slowly and sarcastically explained what BLT stands for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 807
You deserved it 53 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loller27 6

dude what did you think it meant


You need to learn your sandwiches sir! Haha

mintcar 9

It's BLT, not BAN. Probably would've been best if you had called her whilst at the store. In any case, you're pretty stupid for this one.

kshafer08 7
hahayourmom101 5
perdix 29

While a BAN doesn't sound great at first blush, when the napkin absorbs the bacon grease, the dining experience is sublime.

Parkhurst51 1

Avocados and lettuce are both green and there were pictures of tomatoes on the napkin. Very simple mistake could happen to anyone

At least you remembered the bacon, which is the most important part. And hey, avocado is great!

hahayourmom101 5

Disregard my comment I thought it said they had gotten lettuce

I face palmed myself do hard in the face that I left a marking.