By WolfieJL - 18/05/2014 07:51 - United States

Today, my two year old puked in the backseat of the car. When we stopped to clean her up, she scooped up the vomit by the handful and threw it at my head. I had an almost two hour drive before I could wash the smell off myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 042
You deserved it 5 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why didnt you stop at a gas station, or restaurant?

She is just expressing her love! *silently gags in the background*


Moral of the story: children are evil

Who has a 2 year old and no baby wipes on hand?!

Hiimhaileypotter 52

"Here honey, you can't come with me to your grandma's since you get sick in the car, just stay here in your dog crate till I get back. You have plenty of water, and if you're good I'll even bring you back food."

rawlings123 17

Bull. Just stop at a gas station. Hell i'd atleast use my own shirt before i let puke sit on my face for 2 hours

This story is the best birth control ever invented.

This is why I plan not to have children :P

And this is why I don't have up a cats vomit is enough for me