By Anonymous - 28/06/2014 20:40 - United States - Oakland

Today, my soon to be mother-in-law sent out the invitations she made for my wedding. On them, it says "You are invited to this 'special' event". In the same way, I'm referred to as "special", and my name is misspelled. Hint taken, you bitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 320
You deserved it 4 625

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Monster-in-law award goes to this one! Sorry op, she has some problems.

She seems 'special' in her own little ways, too.


driaa 15

Sorry OP, but if this in-law relationship was doomed from the beginning maybe you should have let her down easy on helping out with the wedding, and gotten someone you could have trusted. Good luck to your future,hope all goes well!

Axel5238 29

And what were the signs for this? It doesn't usually pop up out of nowhere and usually it's for a decent reason. This had to have been a long standing issue by this point hasn't been settled.

WOW that's just ****** up on so many levels. I'm so sorry OP

JokersHQ 21

Send out new ones and make a "special" apology note on the back or in the envelope saying the other invitations were sent out by someone else and you wish to correct the errors. It's your wedding, don't let someone else ruin in.

It's quite possible that she doesn't know grammar very well. But the misspelling of your name is kinda obvious. Good luck.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Is special 100% an insult now? I guess it depends on what she was like to begin with, and I'm assuming there's not a good relationship, though it could just be weird wording and carelessness. But if I saw someone I didn't know beforehand write an invitation using the word special I wouldn't think anything of it.

It's in quotation marks. Which implies sarcasm.

I would seriously have a talk about how your fiancee feels about her own mother. Not unlikely that stuff like this happened before. There is nothing wrong with cutting of ties with evil person, even if they are your parents. You owe it to yourself to stay clear of people that do nothing but hurt you.

When they do the speech, hey her pathetic ass back. ROAST THAT BITCH

"Hint taken, you bitch." Hahaha I laughed at that one.