By fish killer - 25/03/2011 21:52 - United States

Today, my sister presented me with an "official pet killer" award after yet another goldfish under my care died of unknown causes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 754
You deserved it 10 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I killed six goldfish when I was younger. I think I fed them too much.

alright @71 a goldfish lifespan is definitly not 6 months where the hell u get that from?


It probably died due to you not having proper living conditions. l:

completedumbass 0

Hey, she has a good sense of humour. Better a fish than a dog or a cat.

That is false! They don't grow to what they are comfortable with, due to their given space. If you put a fish that is suppose to naturally grow to 1-2 feet long into a small tank/death bowl, its body will be forced to stop growing, but its organs will continue to grow until they are squished to death from the inside. Gold fish should live 20+yrs. In fact most fish should live 10+yrs (some do naturally have shorter lives). This also goes for those cute baby turtles. Those cute little Red Eared Sliders can grow to over a foot long & weight over 7lbs. Every inch of shell length needs a min of 10gal of water. Like goldfish, they don't like dirty water & as adults should only be fed once every 3 days. These turtles like most live 40+yrs.

Used to happen to me but for some fish you have to add some conditioner stuff from pet stores to their water hope it helps:)

rozsrredd 16

I think it died of being a goldfish. They tend to do that kind of thing quite easily.

Not unknown causes. Do frequent water changes (ie daily) to reduce the toxic ammonia they produce as waste. And don't over feed.

lemmalongsnail 15

Maybe if people actually researched their pets before buying them, and then spent the time, dedication, and money needed to keep them happy and healthy, they might not die so easily. Just a thought.

SexyMexi21 23

Any type of fish needs a tank with a filtration system and WATER CONDITIONER!!! the "unknown" fact might have been the water. It has nickel ams other UNseen things that could kill an aquatic animal