By Anonymous - 17/12/2009 12:49 - United States

Today, my sister-in-law told me calmly that she never cared for me, likes her brother's ex more than me, and probably will always dislike me. It was our first serious conversation ever, that I initiated because I wanted to "maintain our great friendship." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 420
You deserved it 3 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SillyPoop 0

Eh, I like the honesty with this one people should be more would save a lot of wasted time on asshole people.

It's too bad she hates you, but at least she was honest about it. Better she tells it to you straight up than lie to your face about how much she likes you.


Wow that sucks, guess your not too popular with his family..

Ahh, well, Rome wasn't built in a day. Give it some time, and keep trying.

Ketz 0

No, don't. You didn't marry your husband's sister. If she doesn't like you that's her own problem.

SillyPoop 0

Eh, I like the honesty with this one people should be more would save a lot of wasted time on asshole people.

give up trying to be friends, it will be an uphill battle. If your husband loves you then that is enough. I have the same problem with my in-laws. I didn't even try to get them to like me simply because they are shitty people to begin with, even my husband thinks so. We are happier not even attempting to be friends. My husband still sees his brothers but doesn't hang out with the wives etc. Sorry, it is hard to accept but in time you will see its better. The sister in law is the one that should try to be nice not you, you have done nothing wrong.

No, but I'd rather her have more tact than just telling the OP point blank she doesn't like her. What happened to common courtesy? After all they are now family, make it easy on yourself and don't burn bridges. Jeez.

Batman4890 0

OMG!!!! SOME1 DOESNT LIKE U!!!! get over it...

Batman4890 0

#11 if u were married 2 some1 wud u seriously live with ur sister? or have her round allot? no i didnt think so. idiot.

AGGoddess 2

I don't think Back in Action meant that the sister would be living with them. He probably just meant they would have to see each other at family gatherings a lot. Idiot.

Batman4890 0

#19 how many family gatherings do u have? and she doesnt have 2 talk to her fae it uv lost. idiot.

dudeitsdanny 9

It's a 13 year old boy, guys. He doesn't yet understand that family's an important part of marriage, both the family you're starting and the coming together of two families. Anyways, some close families have quite a lot of gatherings. My dad's side of the family used to get together once a week before my grandfather died, and go to a cabin to BBQ and such. Even after, they'd still get together once a week, and stay at home. My mom and dad would go, and take my sister and I, to most of these gatherings, even though my mom doesn't get along with my dad's family. You see, Batman(I just got my jollies for today from typing this), family may be very important to her husband, which is why OP wanted to rekindle a friendship that she thought had once existed. Even if you want to call everything I just said invalid, then consider the FML in someone you thought a friend(a great friend), telling you this.

Ketz 0

The sister-in-law doesn't represent the entire family, you know. She's clearly a rude bitch and the OP should just try to build a relationship with the rest of the family and ignore her.

It sucks having a SIL like that. Mine used to be one of my best friends until she decided she didn't want her brother married to me anymore. Good luck!

It's too bad she hates you, but at least she was honest about it. Better she tells it to you straight up than lie to your face about how much she likes you.

how can you not noticed she doesn't like you??