By sagecamreyyy - 06/11/2018 15:30

Today, three days after my "friend" tried to cut all my hair off while I was asleep, she tried to poison me with a random chemical that was under my sink. She then told me she wanted me dead because I touched her senpai. Her senpai is my brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 680
You deserved it 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Weaboo or actual Japanese person? Either way, get a restraining order.

Tell him to help you sort it out, and that he needs to keep her away from you until she's calmed down.


Weaboo or actual Japanese person? Either way, get a restraining order.

dude, this is a criminal offense. Screw the restraining order. that crazy needs to be in jail

Weeaboo, 14 years old and crazy; most likely!

Tell him to help you sort it out, and that he needs to keep her away from you until she's calmed down.

If she's doing shit like this, HE probably doesn't want to be around her either.

True, but he's senpai, so the risk to him is minimal at the moment, and he can use that to prevent his sister from being hurt, or murdered.

She’s crazy and wtf exactly is a Sendak? The UD definition I found didn’t make any sense to me.

weaboo 12

It means upperclassman in Japanese and it’s a fetish for some people

Keep her away from your brother too. If she gets this jealous of his sister, who knows how crazy she'll go in case of a messy breakup? Better to cut it off now.

maroongrad 13

FML unless you didn't report it to the police.... That "friend" needs serious help or a stint behind bars or the next time, the victim might have a much bigger problem! If your brother hasn't ejected this person from his life, he and you need a serious heart-to-heart and some counseling for him, because, damn!

This is the type of chick that will kill the guy if he tries to break up with her.

The main question did you find yourself in an anime world?

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

someone played too.much yandere simulator

Slap the anime out of her and tell her that attempted murder will not impress your brother.

Mungolikecandy 19

She sounds like a potentially dangerous and disturbed individual. You would be best to get legal protections against her.