By Deli meat prom - 20/04/2015 21:41 - United States - Dallas

Today, my prom dress came in the mail. I don't know what happened with the tailoring but not only does it not fit, but it also looks like deli meat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 550
You deserved it 3 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was probably beating his meat while he was working on your dress.


He was probably beating his meat while he was working on your dress.

daisylokes 16

oh that's nastyy ( clevelands voice ) lol

Order for a replacement OP, and have a great prom

How frustrating! I hope you didn't spend too much on it and have time to find a new one!

Sounds like you got ripped off, if you ordered it off the internet lol

What a shame. Now people will get hungry whenever they look at you

nityasomaiya 46

Hopefully you'll look at this and laugh it out someday.

MedChew 19

Imagine all the guys who would want to eat you up! Go and flaunt everything you got!