By faded as shit - 27/09/2011 01:10 - United States

Today, my parents took away my laptop, TV, Xbox, and car all because I broke up with my girlfriend. They said when I patch things up with her, I can have my stuff back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 595
You deserved it 5 354

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Apparently they like her more than you. That sucks.


Just tell them you caught her with some other guy's dick in her mouth. They'll be on your side then.


linda_stone 13

Yep, it's pretty stupid, I totally agree. It's just that OP sounds like a spoiled child anyway. Ooo, they took my stuff from me!..

They like her female horse than you. LOL Sorry, that typo just made me giggle.

Ricky23J 0

Its not fair to call her "shit" you don't even know if she did anything wrong

I don't know how old you must be to get your P's in America if it's the same as Australia or not but considering the op mentioned their car also got confiscated possibly makes me think they are not underage

#2 is talking about xbox, laptop, tv and car.. Not the girlfriend

foxmatrix15 8

Parents have no right to intervene in ur relationships that's a life rule if they do that means ur either age 12 or mommy and daddy boy man up u child!