By SporadiCOOL - 27/08/2019 00:01

Today, my parents told me that I wasn’t invited to a family wedding because it was too expensive to invite everyone. This would be fine, if they didn’t invite all my other cousins, and my baby sibling as well. To be honest, it’s probably just because I’m gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 629
You deserved it 539

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's legitimately awful. No amount of alcohol can drown such a feeling. I'm so sorry, mate

Just pull a Maleficent. Go there in your gayest attire and say that you have a gift for the newlyweds. Then touch the bride with a glittery wand and say that her first child will be gay. Then disappear in a cloud of colored smoke.


That's legitimately awful. No amount of alcohol can drown such a feeling. I'm so sorry, mate

Hold up... the gay guy isn't going to the gayest event people can have that isn't a Pride parade? How lame is that?

katydid91 31

You're welcome to come to my wedding. Whenever that day comes. Hugs to you!

Just pull a Maleficent. Go there in your gayest attire and say that you have a gift for the newlyweds. Then touch the bride with a glittery wand and say that her first child will be gay. Then disappear in a cloud of colored smoke.

childlessmother 16

I’d show up anyways in all of my fab abs bring my new squeeze

AlbertEinstein00713 5