By gooddaydude - 04/04/2015 19:32 - United States - Omaha

Today, my mom called 5 times and I didn't pick up due to being in class at college. I was later called to the front desk, where my mom was crying. She said she was worried about me because I didn't say "I love you" to her after she dropped me off at college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 389
You deserved it 4 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh wow. You would think she would know you can't answer your phone during class. That and she seems rather clingy. Perhaps maybe start finding your own way to college if she's going to continue to do this.


Oh wow. You would think she would know you can't answer your phone during class. That and she seems rather clingy. Perhaps maybe start finding your own way to college if she's going to continue to do this.

friedpwnadge 25

Your mom loves you a lot OP. Be glad.

It's probably hard for her, you're still her baby in her eyes. I feel sympathy for both.

#34 This behavior isn't love. She can love her daughter and not be so codependent.

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Yeah, but she has to give him some space. Behaving the way she does is actually pretty selfish of her.

Ch_rae5 19

I think it's time for OP to move out...

College is expensive, what if OP simply doesn't have the money to move out?

tossaway2321 5

Then he should put himself up for adoption

#60 because his mum cares too much? Geez having a loving mum is not so bad for you to rather have no mum

That joke went right over your head, didn't it #63?

She concerns herself with minor issues too much, but at least it shows she loves you.

Well it's good that your mom loves you and worries about you. But it's definitely important to pay attention in class, so it's understandable why you didn't answer the phone. I hope she understands that you were just preoccupied. Hopefully everything gets a bit better!

I find that incredibly cute!! I mean obviously she needs to give you some space, but regardless it is super adorable.

assassinbanana0 20

I'm sure it won't be cute if you get multiple calls that you can't react to in class, then get sent to the office and having everyone around you see your mother cry for such a rather silly reason. She embarrassed him, it could have waited until he went home.

91hayek 31

Apparently you going to school comes with strings attached. Apron ones.

Probably just empty nest syndrome. Moms get real funny when the kids are out on their own, being adults. Although I do agree that it might be best to look into alternative transportation.