Thanks for the memories

By precious memories - 11/05/2022 17:00 - United States

Today, I went over to my mom’s place to attempt to help her clean up, as she’s a hoarder. I was devastated to see that in order to make room for all the unnecessary new crap she buys, she stored all of our childhood toys, photos and the like outside in uncovered bins. It’s all completely ruined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 139
You deserved it 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're upset that your childhood toys are ruined? And you call your mom a hoarder? Look in the mirror, bub.

don't listen to these other idiots. everyone has some toys and a lot of pics from childhood. at least you still have your memories. she can't ruin those.


You're upset that your childhood toys are ruined? And you call your mom a hoarder? Look in the mirror, bub.

don't listen to these other idiots. everyone has some toys and a lot of pics from childhood. at least you still have your memories. she can't ruin those.