By so bored -__- - 25/02/2012 04:18 - United States

Today, my parents dragged me along to a family soccer game. I got so bored watching a bunch of grown men practically buttfucking each other between kicking balls around the field, that I fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later to an empty field and had to walk five miles back home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 602
You deserved it 31 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Grown men buttfucking each other. Sounds intresting.

TheEpicMilkMan 13

dude that's not soccer (or football) your describing thats gay **** :o


funny how you knock soccer and call it buttsex, and go on to complain about walking five miles home. the players ran at least five miles during the game, train hard to do so, and regardless of the fact you obviously dislike watching the game- you're still the loser that got on FML to complain about the minimal effort you had to put into walking a moderate distance. I run ten miles a day just to maintain my health. five walking ain't shit.

edit: family soccer game? I might have incorrectly assumed it was pro or at least team sport. if it wad just your family members playing, disregard what I said about "training to do so" and keep the rest.

Pyro_Wolf 17

You would be from TN....everyone's always hating on soccer over here.'s the only sport that I like....

You deserve it you homophobic piece of sh*t.

Why do we Americans hate on soccer so much? We are the only country in the world where it isn't the #1 sport...

Cause we're too obsessed about grown men tackling each other over a ball.

YDI, maybe next time you will be a bit more considerate towards your family.

emma_the_stone 0

I feel no pity for your ignorance

I would kill myself if my family forced me to watch a soccer game. I don't blame you