By so bored -__- - 25/02/2012 04:18 - United States

Today, my parents dragged me along to a family soccer game. I got so bored watching a bunch of grown men practically buttfucking each other between kicking balls around the field, that I fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later to an empty field and had to walk five miles back home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 602
You deserved it 31 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Grown men buttfucking each other. Sounds intresting.

TheEpicMilkMan 13

dude that's not soccer (or football) your describing thats gay **** :o


bugmenotmofo 34

You're a spoiled, self-centered little priss. Your family included you, and you did nothing but whine. YDI (the walk home) for being unable to look outside yourself and enjoy your time with your family.

bandit1107 6

If ur a girl u suppose to like thay unless ur a lesbien nd soccer is a really good sport

loginword123 0

it's called football, not soccer. God I hate Americanisations >.>. You guys could at least use the name that the country who made it popular uses... but yes, with the exception of cricket football is the worlds most boring sport to watch.

I think you mean American football. And what about swimming or tennis?

no I mean regular football like the British play. Swimming and Tennis usually don't last as long as football or cricket, therefore they are less boring

You sound like an ass. No offense, I used to be an ass too, hopefully you'll get over it some day.

I use to be an ass then i took an arrow to the knee

why do the states hate soccer so much? they call it gay, but with soccer they dont jump on top of others and touch them.

Haven't you heard people call em foot fairies?

OP, cheer up. It's good exercise after a good nap.

wow show a little more respect for soccer you ******* bitch.