By _/ | \_ - 06/10/2013 17:40 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, my new deodorant caused an allergic reaction, covering my armpits in a painful rash. I've had to awkwardly waddle around all day with my arms splayed outwards to get any relief. One customer at work sarcastically mentioned that it's nice that they're hiring penguins these days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 424
You deserved it 3 790

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can only imagine if you worked in a restaurant... "Oh hi folks! Waddle it be today?"


jonahwalzer 12

Dude, thats sucks. I know how it feels, it happened to me at school and it was awful! Feel better!:)

Why are you waddling, OP? If you hold your arms out to air your pits, you should still be able to walk normally. If discomfort in your armpits makes you walk funny, you need to see the doctor because that's not how a normal person should react.

That sucks. Had that happen with one of oldspice's deodorants..

Why would you have to waddle if it's your pits that hurt???

Ohh that sucks, I have eczema under my arm pits, I know how you feel :(

I am allergic to trees, four types of grass, some foods, and I've got eczema all over my body. It makes my legs itch terribly when I stay in water for too long.

transcedental 18

Haha, very clever nickname, OP ^^

I feel for you op. But at the same time your Fml made me laugh out loud.

I know the feeling!!!! I'm allergic to almost every single deodorant I've used.