
By kinky pinky - 02/09/2020 05:02 - United States

Today, my husband threw a fit because I dyed my hair bright magenta. Funny, I actually dyed it three days ago. He literally just noticed. Shows how much attention he pays me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 775
You deserved it 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not only does he pay you little attention, but he's also yelling at you for doing something you wanted to your body. It's not his place to tell you what color your hair should be. If you're working from home, a stay-at-home mom, or in a job where the uniform is relaxed, feel free to dye your hair whatever colors you want. Although I would counsel against such a decision if you work a serious job, like a judge or a doctor.

Your husband is so poor he can't pay attention.


Usually it's a good thing for a husband to be slow to see red!

Not only does he pay you little attention, but he's also yelling at you for doing something you wanted to your body. It's not his place to tell you what color your hair should be. If you're working from home, a stay-at-home mom, or in a job where the uniform is relaxed, feel free to dye your hair whatever colors you want. Although I would counsel against such a decision if you work a serious job, like a judge or a doctor.

Your husband is so poor he can't pay attention.

Allsmash123 10

I’m sure he noticed, just didn’t want to say anything because he thinks you are looking for attention with bright pink hair, which is usually the case