By sarskii - 16/08/2010 23:01 - United States

Today, my mother found out that I'm sexually active. She wants me to tell my father. I'm seventeen, and my father still has trouble grasping the fact that I carry a purse, because it means I'm "growing up." This should be fun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 965
You deserved it 19 520

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rambo881xx 0

Show him a tampon, he will have a heart attack.


guys, since op and her boyfriend decided doing and they already did that thing, what is it there to discuss about at what age should youngsters have sex? I'm a considerably conservative Chinese and I lost my virginity to a girl when I was 15. my friends did that even earlier than me. afterall, 17 isn't THAT young!

I'm choosing not to formulate an opinion on the "right" age to have sex, because I had an unusual adolescence, and I don't think blanket statements can apply here anyway. I will, however, say this: I disagree with those saying not being able to comfortably approach the subject with one's parents is an indication that someone isn't ready to have sex. In my firsthand experience with my parents, and my secondhand experience through friends and family, I've learned that in some cases, the parents are responsible for creating a taboo around the subject. Family cultures can make sex an off-limits or extremely awkward subject, even for adult children. It's the parents' responsibility to keep communication open and candid, by addressing the subject before it becomes a pertinent issue for their kids. If they fail to do that, they're cutting themselves out of an important facet of their kids' lives, and they're responsible for finding a way back in later if problems like this arise. They created the taboo; they fostered the culture of silence. They have to be the ones to break and change those things, respectively.

I'm afraid I must disagree. See, parents should never have kids in the first place. Also, if they do, they should immediately boil them in soup. No kids = no sex problems later, and the soup is to die for!

Kawaiichan42 3

No soup, nachos are much more delicious.

Legend31337 0

Should have kept your ***** legs closed.

Sex is something meant for somebody you love. Not something you do because your hormones tell you too. I waited till I was 21. And it was the best decision I could of ever made. Sleeping around is disgusting especially when your only a teenager. You have you entire life ahead of you just enjoy being young.

Being a young adult myself, I do find some of the comments fairly harsh and judgemental. I am confident that I speak for the majority when I say that having sex at what may seem a young age does not neccesarily mean that it makes her a sl*t or that they have slept around. It depends on the individual's emotional and mental maturity level, as what is right for one person may be different for another.

The age of consent in North Carolina is 16

13, exactly. 10, thanks =) only 1 who i've been dating for almost 2 years and have known for more.