By SHARIFFO - 07/11/2009 08:18 - Palestinian Territory

Today, my mom came up to the school to give me some money and a few water bottles for my friends and me for soccer practice. Before she left, I said "bye", then I realized my 2-year-old brother waving bye to me. So I bent down through the window to kiss him. As I did, my mom moved the car. It still hurts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 011
You deserved it 4 474

SHARIFFO tells us more.

I Would have wrote more to be more specific but the site doesn't allow that much words. This is what happened: "Imagine a car moving in front of the whole school with legs sticking out of the window..." All My Friends laughed, my mom never knew, she never stopped, i was scared as **** to speak so i just got half of my body out in time as she drove off. She then stopped the car & realized asap & asked if i was okay. I was like "o.O?!"

Top comments

Who would vote YDI for this? cruel people. Ouch.

girlygirl666 0

I think it's great that you aren't afraid to show your baby brother love. A lot of teen-aged boys wouldn't do that, especially in front of his friends. Your Mom should have been paying attention. She missed a cute moment with her sons, and could have hurt you even worse than she did.


That entire first sentence was uneccessary.

YES!!! You are a shitty writer. SUCH A SHITTY WRITER. YDI for shitty writing.

FYL man, that sucks. Must hurt like a bitch.

Your mom is ******* crazy. Make sure you aren't around her if she has a knife. She'll decapitate you.

girlygirl666 0

I think it's great that you aren't afraid to show your baby brother love. A lot of teen-aged boys wouldn't do that, especially in front of his friends. Your Mom should have been paying attention. She missed a cute moment with her sons, and could have hurt you even worse than she did.

Thanks, Nice to know that, FYI I'm 16.

I Would have wrote more to be more specific but the site doesn't allow that much words. This is what happened: "Imagine a car moving in front of the whole school with legs sticking out of the window..." All My Friends laughed, my mom never knew, she never stopped, i was scared as **** to speak so i just got half of my body out in time as she drove off. She then stopped the car & realized asap & asked if i was okay. I was like "o.O?!"