By SHARIFFO - 07/11/2009 08:18 - Palestinian Territory

Today, my mom came up to the school to give me some money and a few water bottles for my friends and me for soccer practice. Before she left, I said "bye", then I realized my 2-year-old brother waving bye to me. So I bent down through the window to kiss him. As I did, my mom moved the car. It still hurts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 010
You deserved it 4 474

SHARIFFO tells us more.

I Would have wrote more to be more specific but the site doesn't allow that much words. This is what happened: "Imagine a car moving in front of the whole school with legs sticking out of the window..." All My Friends laughed, my mom never knew, she never stopped, i was scared as **** to speak so i just got half of my body out in time as she drove off. She then stopped the car & realized asap & asked if i was okay. I was like "o.O?!"

Top comments

Who would vote YDI for this? cruel people. Ouch.

girlygirl666 0

I think it's great that you aren't afraid to show your baby brother love. A lot of teen-aged boys wouldn't do that, especially in front of his friends. Your Mom should have been paying attention. She missed a cute moment with her sons, and could have hurt you even worse than she did.


her mum didnt want to see her 2 sons kissing.

Skull_300 0

You're lucky she didn't back up and run over your ******* foot too!

The comments are as cruel as the car chunk that got his neck. XD; lol

That's for the torture you're going to put your little brother through on a daily basis.

lol hope you get well soon. Palestinian Territory, first time ever! hope you guys work things out with the jews!

Serafie 0

What I think he means is he put his head through the window to kiss his little brother, then his mom moved the car. The opening of the window smashed into his neck.

armyofficerwife 0
MermaidSongXOXO 6

That sucks. However, if you ever drive your brother somewhere, and your mother wants to kiss him goodbye.... You'll know what to do. REVENGE ROCKS!