By SHARIFFO - 07/11/2009 08:18 - Palestinian Territory

Today, my mom came up to the school to give me some money and a few water bottles for my friends and me for soccer practice. Before she left, I said "bye", then I realized my 2-year-old brother waving bye to me. So I bent down through the window to kiss him. As I did, my mom moved the car. It still hurts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 011
You deserved it 4 474

SHARIFFO tells us more.

I Would have wrote more to be more specific but the site doesn't allow that much words. This is what happened: "Imagine a car moving in front of the whole school with legs sticking out of the window..." All My Friends laughed, my mom never knew, she never stopped, i was scared as **** to speak so i just got half of my body out in time as she drove off. She then stopped the car & realized asap & asked if i was okay. I was like "o.O?!"

Top comments

Who would vote YDI for this? cruel people. Ouch.

girlygirl666 0

I think it's great that you aren't afraid to show your baby brother love. A lot of teen-aged boys wouldn't do that, especially in front of his friends. Your Mom should have been paying attention. She missed a cute moment with her sons, and could have hurt you even worse than she did.


letitbe56 0

Don't hate on teenage boys. I used to work at a psychiatric facility for boys with behavioral and emotional disorders, and most of the older guys were actually really good with the little guys, and made more of an effort to be good role models when the little ones were around. It's entirely possible that the width of the age-gap makes a difference, though (ie, there would be rivalry b/w a 16 and a 14 year old, but not between a 16 and a 6 year old). Not that you're not special, OP!

bandaidface 0

47- Is that the "i am blue" song? I couldn't see the first comment you replied to lol..

What, how did my post break the rules?

RachelTM 0

We wish all comments to be written in English. Sorry about that!

scince220 0
RachelTM 0

Well since the site is in English, the majority of commenters would speak English. We want to make sure everyone can understand each other. It's really quite simple.

Well, with all due respect Ms. Moderator, that is a form of discrimination, so I can see why cefarix might be offended... I can see where you're coming from though, and I'm not trying to be an internet lawyer or anything like that.

RachelTM 0

I do not make the rules, and it is one all of us moderators have to follow. If a commenter is able to read the FML in English, they should be able to comment in English. We get enough abused the comments every day, so we draw the line there. Comments in other languages are always to be moderated. I hope you guys understand. ;-)

sheesh "Why don't you speak AMERICAN? It's the only language I understand." lolol a million points to anyone who gets this reference...

Alchemist919 0

Bandid Keith.. i'll take my million points now in cold hard cash!!

RawrrrImADino 0

LK:D I LOVE Bandit Keith!:)... in America. but he's really Canadian!

Ouch man! Hahaha that is funny, but yeah, FYL. That sucks man, have your mom buy you a PS3, hehehe.

"(...) to give me some money and a few water bottles for my friends and I for soccer practice." In this case, wouldn't you write "for my friends and me"? Just wondering, because I make that mistake from time to time. :o

Yes, it should be "for my friends and me." I don't understand why this is so confusing for kids these days. Do they not teach nominative and objective forms/usage in schools anymore?

Author says that he is from Palestinian Territory, thus most likely not a native speaker...

THIS IS REALLY WEIRD. I LIVE IN CANADA, Why would it say I'm from "Wherever That Place Is" ??

Don't worry OP, it was perfectly understandable the way you wrote it, and I found the way you ended it very funny. People complaining are just whining for no good reason.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Actually, letitbe56... I'm 13 and fight with my 6 year old sister all the time... Dang.. I feel so mean...

bandaidface 0
thepainter 0

Who the **** would leave the window open next to the baby? jesus.