Weird romance

By Mike - 10/06/2021 08:01

Today, my coworker and I have been sharing the same girlfriend for over a year. She doesn’t know that we each know about the other, but now it’s all over. She blocked both of us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 407
You deserved it 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Apparently the key in a poly relationship is COMMUNICATION. She enjoyed the idea of cheating on either of you with the other guy but it turns out you both know about that and kept it from her. I am not sure how you expected it to end...


Apparently the key in a poly relationship is COMMUNICATION. She enjoyed the idea of cheating on either of you with the other guy but it turns out you both know about that and kept it from her. I am not sure how you expected it to end...

How long did you reasonably expect this to go on though.