Never work a day in your life

By Anonymous - 06/05/2022 22:00

Today, it's the one-year anniversary of opening my own store. I love books and baking, so I turned my hobby into a career by opening a bookstore with a small cafe and bakery attached. I was not prepared for how hard the job would be, so now I hate my career AND my hobby as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 141
You deserved it 598

Same thing different taste

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I know how you feel. I like cooking and always cooked for large numbers, so I opened my own little cafe. After 6 months, I sold it to a friend because I hated going to my business. I’ll never again do what I like to do, for a living again. Yes I like cooking again, but it took a few months for that to happen though.

I'm sorry that happened! Unfortunately it's SUPER easy for the thing you love to be destroyed by the minutiae of day to day business. It doesn't happen to everyone but I've seen it happen to enough people who tried to turn what they love into a business. :(


I know how you feel. I like cooking and always cooked for large numbers, so I opened my own little cafe. After 6 months, I sold it to a friend because I hated going to my business. I’ll never again do what I like to do, for a living again. Yes I like cooking again, but it took a few months for that to happen though.

Never do what you love as a job -- you'll end up hating it. Now, switch to Netflix and Instant Pot and never think of doing either or both professionally. Second chances hashtag.

oldgeezeegamer 6

I clicked you deserve it, but because you deserve to do something you enjoy. Find a way to run it without it draining you. Ask for help. Pay for help. You’ve already accomplished more than me! Good job.

I'm sorry that happened! Unfortunately it's SUPER easy for the thing you love to be destroyed by the minutiae of day to day business. It doesn't happen to everyone but I've seen it happen to enough people who tried to turn what they love into a business. :(