By Anonymous - 07/10/2014 16:06 - United States

Today, my little sister decided the best way to cheat on a test is to take someone else's test, scratch through their name in pencil, and write her name underneath. She starts high school next semester. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 200
You deserved it 3 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She's going places... Definitely not college, but places.


if she starts high school next semster, does that mean the cheating worked?

Back in highschool, i didnt even bother showing up for the classes or got kicked out, now im in college. Soo maybe shes trying?

Did she get an A for her effort at least?

So how did she think that was going to look? "sorry teacher, I forgot that my name isn't that other girl's name. . .silly me"

skittyskatbrat 19

And this is why I tell my students to ALWAYS write their name in pen... My favorite student erased the name on the front page of a multi-page packet and put her name there. Too bad she left Carlos's name on ALL THE OTHER PAGES.

no big deal to get in hs and to cheat but why the fck she has to mess up someone else test

Honestly can't say your life sucks or you deserve it. Unless you're a sophomore and worried about be associated with an idiot. In AP physics senior year we were taking a 10 problem test SAT style, multiple choice. My friends and I sat in the back the class, best friend one row in front me. He slips me his TI-8x very very smoothly. Take a look at the screen and it reads: 1) 2)...........9) 10). Because of the effort involved, not having to turn in scratch paper, and the smoothness in passing the calculator I couldn't resist, had to help him out LOL. I gave him a B. Lucky he got that though because I had a TI-89, and had no freaking clue how to use his calculator, he got his answers as 1,3,2,4, etc instead of A's, B's, C's, and D's.

Of your going to down vote, at least have the stones to leave a reply.

I down thumbed you because you were looking to an fml thread to validate and pat you on the back for cheating with your buddy. Might just be me, but I take integrity pretty seriously and thus have no issue or shortage of stones in terms of owning up to my down thumb

tantanpanda 26

cheating in an AP class? You're seriously only hurting yourself. when that AP test rolls around and you're clueless about the material, you'll have yourself to thank.this dumb girl cheated off a kinda smart person in chem AP and pulled a B. She got a score of 1. Ill work for my 5, thank you very much.

skittyskatbrat 19

I encourage my students to mess with cheaters. How? If they think someone is cheating off them, change all As to Cs and Bs to Ds and vice-versa. Then change them back right before turning in the test... I also create multiple ALMOST-identical copies of each test. The good students have no idea that this is the case or that the tests were different (at a glance, they seem exactly the same). The cheaters invariably fail miserably. Usually takes them a few tests to figure out what is going on, and by then...the semester is over and they have their F. When a student works their butt off studying for a good grade I am not going to cheapen it by handing out an A to someone whose only "studying" involved studying how to copy a test w/out getting caught!

You gotta give her props for making it through this far