By lamsolonely - 12/05/2013 04:35 - United States

Today, my little brothers wouldn't stop teasing me over the fact that I'm a virgin and they are not. They are 13 and 16, I'm 22. What's worse? My dad quickly joined them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 218
You deserved it 7 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't mind them. Getting laid should never be a competition.

I really hope the 13 year old is kidding. I doubt you're equipped to deal with the possible consequences of sex at that age.


woah what?! the 13 yr old? isn't he waaaaay too young........:

taurusxdee 10

Keep your virginity. You're doing the right thing ♥

I don't feel proud to be a virgin my cousin lost hers at the age of 14-15 and says to finally get laid. I won't say my age but I'm young.

gamegeek42 6

That is awesome you are still a virgin. You should be highly proud you didnt throw yourself to just some guy.

Haha. All the virgins are proud to be virgins when most of yall just cant get laid

I was 20 when I lost mine and still wish I didn't. Be proud.

"Son, I was having sex before you were born!"

emmyrr 3

The 13 year old is disgusting

dodzin 9

I hope they did not loose their virginity to each other

Narelon 12

They're just being dumbasses who think they have "swag".