By Anonymous - 06/06/2019 04:05

Today, my husband told me that for our anniversary he will be watching the UFC fight, because it is, "one of the biggest events ever and he just can't miss it." Apparently, our one-year wedding anniversary is not as important. To add to it, he said we should watch it together. Very romantic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 659
You deserved it 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you considered planning something to celebrate at a time when the fight isn't on? There is the idea of compromise in a relationship. Maybe you should plan something he can do with you, and then you could spend the time with your husband, letting him enjoy the event.

He's invited you to watch something really important to him! Compromise, you can celebrate the day before/after/ before the fight. There's really no point to being so picky about celebrating on the exact date.


I have a little message for him: It’s called a PVR!

Trinity Fenwick 7

one year anniversary? !? is it too late for an annulment?

Have you considered planning something to celebrate at a time when the fight isn't on? There is the idea of compromise in a relationship. Maybe you should plan something he can do with you, and then you could spend the time with your husband, letting him enjoy the event.

One year? That’s the paper anniversary! In any game I’ve seen, ass-kicking beats paper.

He's invited you to watch something really important to him! Compromise, you can celebrate the day before/after/ before the fight. There's really no point to being so picky about celebrating on the exact date.

Years ago, a teacher of mine recalled a story of an elderly couple he'd met, who were preparing to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary. He asked them what the secret to such a long marriage was, and you know what they said? Compromise. I don't watch UFC so could be wrong, but I don't imagine a fight lasts all day? (Unless he's travelling to actually see it, not just watching on TV). So why not try and organise a more anniversary-esque event around it (like a lunch instead of a dinner, or a cozy breakfast in bed etc), or maybe even just defer a big celebration to the next (or another) day? If it's something that was known about in advance however, surely a discussion about such a thing should have taken place? Some may say he should drop everything to spend the whole day with you, maybe even recording the fight to watch later. However, I totally get the desire to watch a major sports event live - having the result ruined by a news alert would royally suck. His passion for the sport also doesn't take away from his passion for you - it's just an annoying coincidence that the fight and your anniversary fell on the same day. Obviously there's only so much info we can get from a single FML, so it's hard to judge without really knowing OP and their partner. It could be that OP is expecting too much and their partner was blindsided by a date clash, or their partner could really be the type to prioritise many things over romance, so not every piece of advice in this comments section (including my own) will apply, but eh.

TxKitten79 10

why not spend time watching it with him, and then go out to dinner? so many women don't understand that when a guy asks you to do stuff like this, it's their way of trying to spend time with them. Remember, guys and gals think differently. When my husband and I were dating I started watching hockey because my husband loves it and I wanted to be able to talk to him about it. He was surprised, and happy that I went out of my way to find interest in something he likes so much. For the next year whenever a game was on, we watched it together.

I hope to hell the fight is 30 seconds long and totally not worth it.

The fight isn't 24 hours long, so deal with a few hours of him watching the fight.

To all the people saying « compromise », stop blaming her like she is a horrible person. Her husband could be the one compromising. Replay is there for a reason and guess what news alerts can be turned off. And more important a sport event is not more important than a marriage, especially *troll mode on* when the sport we’re talking about is so minor. *troll mode off*. More seriously compromising is not only a one way direction and mariage is not limited to compromise, it is doing together things we wouldn’t do alone.