By Deconstructed - 19/05/2009 20:13 - United States

Today, my husband let me sleep in while he worked on the landscaping by our backyard pool. Ready for a shower, I stripped naked, opened the back door to let the dog out, and stepped out to ask him how it was going. Turns out he'd finally hired a landscaping crew. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 092
You deserved it 27 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you stepped outside naked? LOL. well, dont worry i bet they enjoyed it.

haha thats awesome. Im sure they loved that job, and theyll be back ANYTIME.


Wtf? Strip naked then shower how did you add "step outside" into the mix? Ydi dumb ass

YDI. You left your house naked. therefor, you risked being seen by others. You don't know if your hubby was going to have friends over to help

Druu 53

Did they offer to help you trim the bushes? (Could have been worse!)

That settles it. I'm becoming a landscaper.

Klima_fml 29

Well, maybe they'll accept a lower pay for the sights they got to see.. This could be good!

randybryant799 20

And you couldn't hear them? Right.