By bumpyroad - 17/04/2011 14:29 - Australia

Today, my husband and I were diagnosed with herpes. We've been together for five years and were both virgins before. Even the doctor couldn't give any other explanation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 536
You deserved it 7 647

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iSwizzle 4


spekledworf 18
SoldieroftheLORD 0

honestly I think op lied, an then posted to FML as a cover...

it happens!! look online shit like this can happen without being cheated on

agblud 2

it could have been either one of them who cheated

This isn't hard to figure out. Either he lied and he wasn't a virgin or he cheated on you. you need to sit down and have a conversation with him. Either way, you deserve the truth and an explanation.

KiddNYC1O 20

192, you're such a kiss ass.

or your parents have herpes and never told you xDXdxDXdxd

Well, one of y'all could have drank after somebody who had herpes.