By whymommywhy - 21/04/2009 03:11 - United States

Today, my hamster gave birth. The babies were very cute and I couldn't resist petting one. Apparently touching a baby hamster will cause it's mother to reject and devour it. I am now know in my family as "The Hamster Slaughterer." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 285
You deserved it 26 947

Same thing different taste

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Today I was born, and this strange creature towered over my mother and my siblings, and touched one of my siblings. Later my mother decided to eat the sibling that the creature touched. Now I am terrified of being petted. FML

I'm sorry to hear that. I honestly didn't know that fact either. I don't blame you because you didn't know and therefore didn't purposely do it.


STVader 0

Chill the **** out guys. A store sold us 5 female hamsters once, except they lied and one was male. Bet the same thing happened to her. hamsters eat their babies all the time, its really weird and kinda disgusting. Also, sometimes aunts eat babies and shit...and sometimes aunts actually take care of them. Its the weirdest thing. Don't worry about it. Hamsters are dumb breeders.

This is a great lesson for parents and future parents: Don't buy your stupid kids pets that they can't take care of - either make sure they learn how to handle them, or don't get pets. Simple. If the OP is old enough to have bought a hamster on their own with no parental oversight, then this is a total YDI for being irresponsible.

stupid and uneducated people should not own pets. i don't CARE if it's "just" a hamster.

YDI because almost all animal abandon their little ones if they dont smell as they should anymore.

AK 2

You're ignorant. Stop having pets.

zomggg This is why humans are at the top of the food chain: we don't kill our babies if another species touches them..we just kill them when we know we don't have the responsibility to care for them

deliciouskaek 1

So, you can log in and submit an FML, but you can't look up how to care for baby hamsters? =/ Let me Google that for you...

I think people are being too harsh. I mean yeah, you probably should have done some research, but you didn't pet the baby just so the mom would eat it. You should probably just be more careful in the future.