By dontpanic - 21/09/2009 19:08 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was getting up to leave and I, trying to be romantic, got up behind her and tried to swing her back down onto the bed and kiss her simultaneously, misjudged the distance and threw her into the wall, her head then bounced off the wall and into my forehead, spraining her nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 497
You deserved it 26 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Nothing says romance like a bloody nose


beastmode21 0

nice one dumbass, and it's not that romantic to throw someone when they're trying to leave

colorfullyemo 4

You're first? Really? That's so interesting, bro. You should tell that story at a party.

good going jackass. that's what you get for trying to be romantic. stick to the basics. hump, grunt, fart, and eat. that's all guys are good at. trust me, it's all I'M good at.

youaresofucked 0

yeah you can ******* say that again. no shit its ALL youre good at. you Nob Jockey!

not all of us are like that. maybe just fat asses like u tho

detroitsucks247 3

Thats because we are men and you are a slob...

Fireashes250 16

You'll never even hump anything other than a rock if that's all you do #2.

ThaMC 0

FIRST!!!!!!!!! also ydi for trying to do that and repeating several other fml's

Xx_f_us_all 0

fail at sex lol good intentions though


Nothing says romance like a bloody nose

Me too. The nose is made of cartilage, people. Thats what glues bones together, among other things. If the nose was a bone, don't you think you'd be able to wiggle it back and forth?